Out of all the dealerships in the area, there’s a whole list of reasons why Complete Auto Sales is unique and why people should come to us for all their vehicle needs.
I think the bottom line is that the proof is in the pudding. We have to deal with the customer from day one. If they have problems, there’s a friendly face here they can talk to. There’s always someone here who can fix the problem. No one’s ever going to be tipped to a phone number, no one’s ever going to be skirted around.
We stand behind our products. It’s not only the 3-year/36,000 miles warranty and those sorts of things, but it’s the people behind everything. We really do consider our customers both past and present and the ones in the future as like family.
We also realize that you can’t bite the hand that feeds you. We need our customers and are grateful for them as much as we feel believe they are thankful for us when we’re able to help them out.
To be honest, I don’t think you can be in business as long as we have been in business if you’re jacking people around. It’s not possible.
We’re also involved in our community
There is a local school down the street where we volunteer. We do a reading group. We started an after-school exercise program, where we provide snacks and Dustin and I and another employee go down there and spend an hour after school on Thursdays. We basically just play with the kids.
We also donate to their KCK (Kansas City, Kansas) Public Schools Christmas drive. We dress up as Santa Claus, go down there and have fun.
Those kids are, for lack of a better term, less fortunate. So they do a pajama drive every year, get those kids warm PJs before they go to Christmas break. So we hand them out, dressed up as Santa.
We also donate our land across the street for a community garden. The last couple of years, we basically provide the water and the land for refugees who come from Asia that are accustomed to growing their own food, but we’re in the inner city so there’s not really a lot of land where they can do that—it’s-mostly concrete asphalt. So we have a place across the street where they’re able to grow food. We provide the water, the beds, everything for them to grow those sorts of things.
They have thirty some beds I think. We take the rainwater off the roof of the grocery store next door to it and put it up in three big barrels. We repurpose the water so they can water the beds.
Catholic Charities has always given us the group of people the last few years that will come garden in it. There is a lady at the church who organizes it all. She asks me how many beds we have every year, and then she doles that out to the families.
When it’s being used, it looks really looked cool.
We offer insurance!
Offering insurance is another part of our deal. We have licensed insurance agents in the office to provide to both customers and non-customers, auto insurance, home insurance. We have another thousand customers on that end as well.
Each policy is based on what they need. We have different carriers. We’re not tapped into one like State Farm or something like that. We have different carriers: Progressive, Farmers, Trader’s, it’s a whole host of insurance carriers we provide.
We work with the customer with insurance the same way we work with cars—what do they need, and what they can afford.